Foetal Sexing Webinar – Watch Again

This webinar was held on the 27th of April, and by signing up you will receive a replay of the original. Please allow 24 hours to receive your link. It is sent out manually so will not arrive instantly.

Learn all about foetal sexing with ultrasound with one of Britain’s top bovine reproductive veterinarians, Peter May.



Peter May was the first veterinarian in the UK to perform embryo transfer, and began offering foetal sex scanning as early as 1993. Peter is a supporter of lay scanners (non-veterinarian ultrasound specialists) and has taught many lay scanners on DEFRA-approved cattle scan courses.

This webinar consists of a 20 minute presentation of ultrasound images, followed by a live question-and-answer session with Peter. This talk will be of interest to cattle scanners, goat breeders, and even to professional canine scanners with an interest outside of their own field.

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