Ultrasound for Canine Pregnancy Scanning

Learn the best dog ultrasound scanning techniques, from the basics all the way up to advanced imaging. Free online access to media files with every purchase. You can order your copy directly from Amazon here: Ultrasound for Canine Pregnancy Scanning.



Amazon Number One Bestseller

Ultrasound for Canine Pregnancy Scanning reached the number one spot on Amazon within hours of launch for both the ‘Veterinary Medicine’ and ‘Scientific Equipment & Techniques’ categories. You can order your copy directly from Amazon here: Ultrasound for Canine Pregnancy Scanning.

Please note that the above is an Amazon Affiliate link. By purchasing through this link, the Animal Ultrasound Association may receive a small commission (at no extra cost to you).


Chapters include:

What is Ultrasound?
Choosing the right transducer (probe) for the job
Female Canine Reproductive Anatomy & Hormones
Scanning Technique
The 3 Types of Spatial Resolution
The 4 Controls You Need to Start Scanning Now
Developmental Stages
Number Counting with Ultrasound
Performing Measurements and Calculating Gestational Age
When is a Pregnancy Not Normal? The Case of Pyometra
When is a Pregnancy Not Normal? The Case of Excess Fluid
Image Optimisation & Ultrasound Artefacts
Ultrasound & Biohazards
A Glimpse into The Future: 3D/4D?
Frequency Bandwidth
What is Colour Ultrasound?


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