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How can I become a member of the Animal Ultrasound Association?


Recent changes in the political and legal landscape with regard to working with animals has resulted in renewed interest in membership of our organisation. The below article summarises what the Animal Ultrasound Association (AUA) does, what membership is, and how you can get it.

Who can be an AUA member?

AUA membership is reserved for the following people:

  • Licensed veterinarians with a specialism in ultrasound
  • Registered vet nurses (vet techs in the USA) with a specialism in ultrasound
  • Paraprofessionals who have undertaken an AUA-accredited ultrasound course.

Our members include both small and large animal scanners.

What’s an accredited ultrasound course?

We believe that certain topics should only be taught by those with professional qualifications in the same subject area. The wrong equipment, the misuse of equipment, or the misinterpretation of ultrasound images can cause real harm, and as a result, ultrasound is one of these topics which we firmly believe needs to be taught by professionals. This is for the protection of those receiving their training, as well as for the animals they may go on to scan.

The AUA only accredits ultrasound courses which are written and signed off by a veterinarian or professional sonographer. AUA courses have been accredited by the CPD Standards Office (the most rigorous CPD inspection possible, taking over one year to complete), but we have always been clear that CPD accreditation is irrelevant in the ultrasound industry, because no CPD assessor has the experience or authority to judge the content or quality of ultrasound teaching. For this reason, most courses advertising CPD accreditation have never been inspected by a third party, with a CPD badge being awarded based solely off the online declaration of the person selling it. It is important to understand that having a CPD badge on a course does not make it an accredited ultrasound course.

What makes a veterinarian or a sonographer a suitable teacher of ultrasound?

An accredited sonographer or veterinary sonographer will have spent many years of dedicated study and practice in diagnostic ultrasound, covering a lot more than just scanning technique. Areas of study will have included safety, quality assurance, reproducibility and diagnostic accuracy.

Professionals can be held to account in a way that those without qualifications or governing bodies to answer to cannot. Precisely because qualified individuals have a professional responsibility to deliver safe, accurate and up to date teaching, AUA-accredited training is internationally trusted and recognised. AUA training courses are currently taught by:

  • An accredited sonographer and researcher with a Masters degree in medical ultrasound, and 15 years of experience in small animal scanning, who is currently undertaking a PhD in ultrasound education.
  • A specialist obstetric sonographer with over 30 years of clinical experience, and 10 years experience in teaching pregnancy scanning to veterinarians, vet nurses and breeders.
  • An internationally recognised professor of cardiology with over 20 years of clinical experience.
  • A cardiac physiologist and accredited echocardiographer with over 10 years of clinical experience.

We also host guest lectures and training courses from internationally renowned veterinarians.

What happens if I don’t get trained by a professional?

Recent history has shown us the devastating consequences of people who do not take their responsibilities seriously, casually teaching subjects without making any investment into the long-term reputation of their industry and clients.

In human medicine, ultrasound is performed by sonographers or doctors, all of whom are members of their relevant accrediting bodies. The Animal Ultrasound Association seeks to provide support and legitimacy in the world of animal scanning to its trainees and its members. We do this by continually investing in the qualifications of those delivering training, representing our clients in the public domain, and campaigning for their national and international recognition and protection.

What types of membership are there?

There are two levels of membership: silver (£45/year) and gold (£80/year). Gold members have their local scan enquiries directed to them, and for this reason gold membership is reserved for veterinarians and those who have trained to an advanced level, by attending a training course run by a specialist.

The AUA runs its own advanced (level 2) training courses in small animal pregnancy scanning, taught by clinical specialist obstetric sonographer, Yvette Lovis.

If you know that you fulfil membership criteria and would like to join as a member, you can visit the membership signup page here.

If you are not sure whether or not you fulfil membership criteria, you can email us here or give us a call.

If you know you have never attended a sonographer-led training course and would like to do so, you can see our upcoming training events here, or email us to be notified of our next level 1 and 2 courses

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